Before I Fall

Lauren Oliver

Language: English

Published: Aug 15, 2010


SUMMARY: 'They say that when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, but that's not how it happened for me' Sam Kingston is dead. Except she isn't. On a rainy February night, eighteen-year-old Sam is killed in a horrific car crash. But then the impossible happens: she wakes up in her own bed, on the morning of the day that she died. Forced to live over and over the last day of her life ' the drive to school, skipping class, the fateful party ' she desperately struggles to alter the outcome, but every morning she wakes up on the day of the crash. This is a story of a girl who dies young, but in the process learns how to live. And who falls in love . . . a little too late. BEFORE I FALL is a brave and complex novel about the territory between life and death. As astonishing as The Lovely Bonesand as luminous as Jenny Downham's Before I Die, it will make you want to live every day as if it were your last.