Voluntary Madness: My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin
Norah Vincent
Sara Shepard
Pretty Little Liars (5)
The Broken Teaglass
Emily Arsenault
The gunslinger
Stephen King
The Dark Tower (1)
The Running Man
The Long Walk
Brains: A Zombie Memoir
Audrey's Door
Sarah Langan
Day by Day Armageddon
J. L. Bourne
Day by Day Armageddon (1)
Beyond Exile: Day by Day Armageddon
Day by Day Armageddon (2)
American supernatural tales
S. T. Joshi
The Incredible Shrinking Man
Richard Matheson
Bryan Smith
A Stir of Echoes
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Seth Grahame-Smith
Dead and Alive
Dean Koontz
Dean Koontz's Frankenstein (3)
Under the Dome: A Novel
Hunting Memories
Barb Hendee
Vampire Memories (2)